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SckoonCup Blog

Period Cravings: Satisfy the Cravings with these Alternatives!

Period Cravings: Satisfy the Cravings with these Alternatives!

When our periods hit we’re often craving chocolaty, sweet, bad-for-you treats. Sometimes, we have cravings for salty, fried, or fatty foods as well.
Is It Safe To Use A Menstrual Cup When You Have A Yeast Infection?

Is It Safe To Use A Menstrual Cup When You Have A Yeast Infection?

The dreaded yeast infection - we feel ya! It's the WORST! Even scarier? What if you're dealing with yeast infection AND your period at the same time. [cue tears of frustration] Can you wear a menstrual cup?
Are Reusable Menstrual Products, Cloth Pads & Menstrual Cups, Really Ecofriendly?

Are Reusable Menstrual Products, Cloth Pads & Menstrual Cups, Really Ecofriendly?

Are reusable menstrual products, such as cloth pads and menstrual cups, really as ecofriendly as they claim to be? There are tons of earth friendly perks to using them, but let's highlight the top three ecofriendly benefits...
10 Items You Can Ditch To Reduce Your Waste!

10 Items You Can Ditch To Reduce Your Waste!

Looking for more ways to lessen the amount of trash you produce? Look no more! Here are ten items you can ditch to help lessen the amount of waste you toss every year.
Menstrual Cups & Infection - Does It Happen?

Menstrual Cups & Infection - Does It Happen?

With TSS being a constant concern for many, we completely understand if you're worried about any possible risk when it comes to menstrual cups. 

It's important to note, we always recommend using clean hands when handling your menstrual cup. Always thoroughly wash your cup in between uses. Never use a menstrual cup at the same time as tampons.

Proper cleaning, care, and handling may help to reduce any risk of infection.

How Frequently Do I Need To Replace My Menstrual Cup?

How Frequently Do I Need To Replace My Menstrual Cup?

Figuring out when to replace your menstrual cup is mostly based on your own experience with the cup. Many menstrual cup companies recommend you replace your cup every year to two years, while some claim you can safely wear your cup for 5+ years. Unlike some menstrual cups which suggest you replace them after one year, SckoonCup is made of best possible quality medical grade silicone, and will last several years. There is no need to replace it every year.
All About Cloth Pads! What Size Do You Need & How To Care

All About Cloth Pads! What Size Do You Need & How To Care

New to cloth pads? Not sure what size you need or where to start? Here's a quick rundown on the FAQs of using Cloth Pads and how to pick the right size for you!
Help! My Menstrual Cup Hurts to Insert!

Help! My Menstrual Cup Hurts to Insert!

Uh oh, are you experiencing pain when using your menstrual cup? Don't worry! We've got a few tips to help you out!
A Minimalist Vegan Makeup Routine!

A Minimalist Vegan Makeup Routine!

Looking for new ideas on how to spice up your makeup routine? How about using less? This may sound crazy but just hear us out!

It's well known that makeup can clog pores and cause acne - especially if you forget to remove it at night. By using less, you're limiting the risk of this happening! Plus, being more mindful of your makeup use can help you save money in the long run - it's a win/win in our book!

Organic SckoonPads: How To Care For Cloth Menstrual Pads

Organic SckoonPads: How To Care For Cloth Menstrual Pads

Considering cloth pads and want to learn more? You have questions, and we have answers! Take a look below to learn how to care for your pads as well as read answers to other frequently asked questions. 
Thinking About Going Vegan? Tips To Help Get You Started!

Thinking About Going Vegan? Tips To Help Get You Started!

Going vegan is a big plunge - one many are curious about but hesitant to do. If you're ready to make the transition to a more vegan or all vegan lifestyle, we've got some tips to help get you started!
How Long Can You Wear A Menstrual Cup?

How Long Can You Wear A Menstrual Cup?

Menstrual cups are still foreign in many ways. One of the biggest concerns many have when wearing menstrual cups is how long you're able to go between changing/emptying your cup and what risks are involved when wearing an internal device for long periods of time. You have questions, and we have answers!